- Author
- Boie, H. | Schmidt, K. | Tiemann, A.
- Title
- Hyperbaric Ignition and Combustion Behavior for Some Selected Diving Chamber Specific Materials.
- Coporate
- GKSS-Research Center Geesthact GmbH, Germany
- Book or Conf
- Management and Engineering of Fire Safety and Loss Prevention: Onshore and Offshore. International Conference, 3rd. February 18-20, 1991, Elsevier Applied Science, New York, Aberdeen, Scotland, BHR Group Ltd., Editors, 187-196 p., 1991
- Keywords
- offshore platforms | fire safety | risk assessment | hyperbaric chambers | hyperbaric combustion | ignition | combustion | diving environments | textiles | rubber | plastics | welding | oxygen content | gas mixtures | safety evaluation
- Identifiers
- diving depths; paper-strip experiments; hydraulic oil