- Author
- Kuvshinoff, B. W.
- Title
- Flying Tram System for Raising Firefighters and Emergency Equipment ot Upper Floors of High-Rise Buildings. Fire Problems Program.
- Coporate
- Johns Hopkins Univ., Laurel, MD
- Sponsor
- National Science Foundation, Washington, DC
- Report
- APL/JHU NSF GI-12-72 (012), February 1, 1972, 37 p.
- Contract
- N00017-72-C-4401
- Keywords
- fire fighters | high rise buildings | fire fighting equipment | fire fighting
- Abstract
- The problem of fire departments reaching fires in high-rise buildings above the seventh to ninth floors is well known. Reference 1 reviews a number of high-rise fires and stresses the seriousnessof the access/evacuation problem. Reference 2 is an account of the fire on the 31st floor of One New York Plaza in August of 1970. Two of three men on an elevator died when the car stopped and the doors opened on the fire floor. The first group of fire fighters attempting to reach the fire were trappedin an elevator that stopped unexplainably on the fourth floor. One of the definitions of a high rise is a building that cannot be evacuated practicably in an emergency.