FireDOC Search

Sekizawa, A. | Nakahama, S. | Notake, H. | Ebihara, M. | Ikehata, Y.
Study on Feasibility of Evacuation Using Elevators in a High-Rise Building. Is Use of Elevator in Evacuation Really Effective for General People?
Tokyo Univ., Japan Taisei Corp., Japan Shimizu Corp., Japan
Book or Conf
Use of Elevators in Fires and Other Emergencies Workshop. Proceedings. Co-Sponsored by American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME International); National Institute of Stanards and Technology (NIST); International Code Council (ICC); National Fire Protection Association (NFPA); U.S. Access Board and International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF). March 2-4, 2004, Atlanta, GA, 1-15 p., 2004
elevators (lifts) | emergencies | fire fighters | occupants | evacuation | high rise buildings | apartments | stairways | specifications | case histories | equations
facts in evacuation in the high-rise apartments fire in Hiroshima City in 1996; selected means of evacuation by floor in the fire (n=55); frequency of daily use of stairs by floor (n=164); models of elevator service operation for evacuation; model of evacuation by stairs; specifications and results of calculation of evacuation by egress stairs; floor configuration and the elevation of a building for case study; occupant load and elevators condition in the building for case studies; evacuation time by elevators and by egress stairs in each bank and evacuation time by egress stairs for a whole building; comparison of evacuation completion time between the evacuation by emergency elevators and the evacuation by egress stairs as a function of the ratio of elevator use in D-Bank; comparison of transportation efficiency between two operation modes of emergency-use elevators for D-Bank assuming a fire in on the Bottom Floor in the D-Bank