- Author
- Lattimer, B. Y. | Vandsburger, U. | Roby, R. J.
- Title
- Conditions Permitting the Transport of High Concentrations of Carbon Monoxide in Building Fires.
- Coporate
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ., Blacksburg Hughes Associates, Inc., Baltimore, MD
- Sponsor
- National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
- Report
- NISTIR 5904, October 1996,
- Distribution
- Available from National Technical Information Service
- Contract
- Book or Conf
- National Institute of Standards and Technology. Annual Conference on Fire Research: Book of Abstracts. October 28-31, 1996, Gaithersburg, MD, 121-122 p., 1996
- Keywords
- fire research | fire science | carbon monoxide | building fires | smoke inhalation | toxic gases
- Abstract
- The percentage of deaths due to smoke inhalation (mainly from carbon monoxide poisoning) has risen 1% ever year since 1980, and was responsible for 76% of the deaths in 1990. Two-thirds of the smoke inhalation victims in building fires are found at locations distant from the burning room. The research over the past year at VPI and SU has focused on determining the phenomena responsible for the transport of high levels of CO in building fires, specifically, investigating the transport of these toxic gases away from a room on the side of a hallway.