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Construction Industry Institute
Measuring the Cost of Quality in Design and Construction.
Construction Industry Institute, Austin, TX
Publication 10-2, May 1989, 20 p.
construction | costs | design applications
Quality Performance Management System (QPMS)
Failure to maintain quality costs the U.S. construction industry over $15 billion a year in rework expenses alone. Additional costs for other quality failures may bring the total to more than twice that amount. Quality must be properly managed if complex industrial projects are to be completed and operated economically. How is quality managed? By controlling the costs of quality. Defining quality in the limited and specific sense of conformance to established requirements enables the cost of quality to be measured and quantified. The goal is to minimize athe return on investment. Quality costs include the costs of quality management (prevention and appraisal costs) and the costs of correcting deviations. Benefits are achieved through a reduction in the costs of quality.