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Wright, J. R.
Measurement - Key to Performance.
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
NBS BSS 001, January 1970,
Book or Conf
National Bureau of Standards. Performance of Buildings - Concept and Measurement. Proceedings of the 1st Conference in a Series of Conferences on Man and His Shelter. September 23-25, 1968, Gaithersburg, MD, Walton, W. W.; Cadoff, B. C., Editors, 11-20 p., 1970
building design | housing | planning | architecture | specifications | standards | test methods
This paper, in effect, could be viewed as the counterpart ot the final event on the conference program, which is Mr. William Allen's Summary and Discussion. I say this because it is my aim to provide you with background material that is germane to every talk involving the performance concept, whether it be theoretical or experimental, a laboratory or field application, a talk given in this conference or any other that deals with performance. This statement can be made with a high degree of confidence, since implementation of the performance concept cannot move beyond narrative expression without evaluative techniques; namely, measurement. My presentation will cover three closely related topics: 1. The National Measurement System; 2. The Performance Concept; and 3. Evaluative Techniques for Both Subjective and Objective Measurement. I do not plan to tie these separate topics together tightly - that would require too much time and the use of examples that subsequent speakers will provide. Sufficient examples of measurement will be provided, however, to clarify or illustrate key concepts and definitions.