FireDOC Search

Gagnon, R. M.
Design of Special Hazard and Fire Alarm Systems.
Gagnon Engineering, Ellicott City, MD
Book or Conf
Design of Special Hazard and Fire Alarm Systems, Delmar Publishers, New York, NY, 381 p., 1997
fire alarm systems | fire extinguishers | sprinklers | specifications | surveys | foam extinguishing systems | high expansion foam | low expansion foam | systems engineering | halon alternatives | extinguishing | carbon dioxide | dry chemicals | wet chemicals | explosion suppression | fire detection | fire detectors
contract drawings, specifications and surveys; specialized agents and their applications; low expansion foam system design; high expansion foam system design; halon system design; lean agent and halon replacement extinguishing systems; ultra high speed explosion suppression systems; fire alarm system initiating devices; fire alarm notification appliances and control panels; fire detector placement; fire alarm circuit design and control panels; ethnics and professional development