FireDOC Search

Keski-Rahkonen, O. | Hostikka, S.
Zone Model Validation of Room Fire Scenarios.
VTT-Technical Research Center of Finland, Espoo
NISTIR 6986, September 2003, 569 p.
Book or Conf
International Collaborative Project to Evaluate Fire Models for Nuclear Power Plant Applications: Summary of 5th Meeting. APPENDIX C. SUMMARY PAPERS: Validation of Fire Models. C/59-72 pp and APPENDIX D. VIEW GRAPHS USED FOR PRESENTATIONS. D/79-86 pp. May 2-3, 2002, Gaithersburg, MD, 2003
pool fires | nuclear power plants | fire models | computational fluid dynamics | validation | fire research | zone models | room fires | scenarios | field models | smoke movement | data reduction
Fire Information Retrieval System Techniques (FIRST); CFAST (Consolidated Fire growth And Smoke Transport); Scenario B of the CIB W14 Round Robin for computer fire code assessment; characteristics of the fuels