- Author
- Iding, R. H. | Bresler, B. | Nizamuddin, Z.
- Title
- FIRES-RC II. Computer Program for the <u>FI</u>re <u>RE</u>sponse of <u>S</u>tructures--<u>R</u>einforced <u>C</u>oncrete Frames. <u>Second</u> Revised Version.
- Coporate
- California Univ., Berkeley
- Sponsor
- National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC National Science Foundation, Washington, DC
- Report
- NBS GCR 78-115; UCB FRG-77-8, July 1977, 249 p.
- Distribution
- Available from National Technical Information Service
- Contract
- GRANT-ERT7001080AO5 GRANT-NBS-G79006
- Keywords
- building fires | computer programs | concretes | creep tests | failure analysis | fire models | steels | structural failure | construction materials | thermal degradation
- Abstract
- FIRES-RC II is a computer program used to evaluate the structural response of reinforced concrete frames in fire environments. The report describes the analytical and material behavior models upon which FIRES-RC II is based. The thermal response associated with fire environments used for the analysis of reinforced concrete frames in FIRES-RC II is predicted by a companion computer program, FIRES-T. A nonlinear, direct stiffness formulation couples with time step integration is the analytical technique used in FIRES-RCII. Within a given time step, an iterative approach is used to find a deformed shape which results in equilibrium between internal stresses and external forces. The material behavior models for concrete and steel acount for dimensional changes caused by temperature differentials, changes in mechanical properties of materials with changes in temperature, degradation of sections bu craclomg amd/or crushing, and increased rates of shrinkage and creep with an increase in temperature. Nonlinear stress-strain laws, in which inelastic deformation associated with unloading is accounted for, are used in FIRES-RC II to model concrete and steel behavior. The report includes a user's manual for FIRES-RC II, a sample problem, and a listing of the program.