FireDOC Search

Basanbul, I. S.
Fire Resistance of Ferrocement Sandwich Structural Walls.
Petroleum and Minerals Univ., Dhahran
Book or Conf
Saudi Arabian Standards Organization. Protection of Buildings From Fires. Symposium. February 8-10, 1982., Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 45-59 p., 1982
reinforced concretes | insulating materials
Ferrocement is a type of highly reinforced concrete, consisting of several layers of wire mesh and steel rods embedded in "highly dense portland cement mortar". Using ferro-cement in making sandwich structural walls for building constructions can be very desirable due to the rigidity of high strength of such structural elements. Fire tests prove that ferro-cement sandwich structure walls can withstand hazardous fires for more than one hour. Endurance can be improved by using appropriate insulating material. Insulation not recommended is urethane foam.