- Author
- Shafizadeh, F. | Bradbury, A. G. W. | DeGroot, W. F. | Aanerud, T. W.
- Title
- Role of Inorganic Additives in the Smoldering Combustion of Cotton Cellulose.
- Coporate
- Montana Univ., Missoula
- Journal
- Industrial Engineering Chemistry Product Research Development, Vol. 21, No. 1, 97-101, 1982
- Sponsor
- National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
- Keywords
- smoldering combustion | cotton fabrics | cellulose | metal salts | thermal analysis
- Identifiers
- inorganic additives; smoldering cotton
- Abstract
- Inorganic additives are classified according to their ability to enhance or inhibit smoldering combustion in cotton fabric. Thermal analysis shows that the rate of oxidation of chars prepared by pyrolysis of fabric treated with metal salts which enhance smoldering is higher than that of chars prepared from fabric treated with additives such as phosphates or boric acid, which inhibit smoldering.