- Author
- Schneider, U.
- Title
- Grundlagen zur Festlegung von Brandszenarien fur den Brandschutzentwurf. [Laying Down of Fire Scenarios for a Sketch of Building and Their Examination of Risks.]
- Journal
- VFDB, Vol. 44, No. 3, 92-100, September 1995
- Keywords
- scenarios | fire risk | fire simulation | fire protection | fire protection engineering
- Abstract
- ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH In this report is shown which requirements are necessary to come from an actual project with aspects of the layed down fire scenery to a fire protective sketch. There is a special need for the caloric data of all involved substances and their consumption behavior. Realistic fire simulation are striven for. Therefore the chosen engineers need good theoretical basis and practical experience to calculate fire protection data. Fire protection engineering can open new working areas and can help to optimize solutions on the scale of fire technical examination of risks.