FireDOC Search

Chigier, N. A. | Chervinsky, A.
Aerodynamic Study of Turbulent Burning Free Jets With Swirl.
Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa
TAE Report No. 49, April 1966, 32 p.
Book or Conf
Combustion Institute, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 11th, August 14-20, 1966, Berkeley, CA, 489-499 p., 1966
combustion | turbulent burning | turbulent flames | velocity | temperature measurements | equations | flame research | flame shapes | laminar burning velocity
Velocity and temperature measurements have been made in a series of turbulent swirling free flames. Premixed butane-air jets issued from a round orifice with exit velocities of 60m/sec and the degree of swirl was varied by varying the ratio of the flow rates of air supplied tangentially and axially to the burner. The flames were stabilized some 4 diameters from the burner exit in the shape of an annular ring and were unconfined for a distance of 24 diameters. The measurements made in this region for 3 different degrees of swirl show that the decay of axial and swirl velocities is slower in a flame than in cold swirling jets. The turbulent burning velocity was found to be 80 times greater than the laminar burning velocity and the velocity gradient in the outer rgion of the jet where the flame was stabilized was 250 sec⁻¹.