- Author
- Delichatsios, M. A. | Blackmore, J. | Liu, X.
- Title
- Should Smoke Yield be Regulated for Wall, Ceiling and Floor Linings?
- Coporate
- FireSERT at University of Ulster, Northern Ireland Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Melbourne, Australia
- Journal
- Fire Technology, Vol. 40, No. 3, 263-276, July 2004
- Keywords
- smoke yield | walls | ceilings | floors | linings | fire growth | regulations | safety engineering | wall linings | smoke production | room fires | egerss | equations | carpets | ventilation | tenability | enclosures | scenarios | fire spread | smoke spread | flashover
- Identifiers
- CFAST (Consolidated Fire growth And Smoke Transport); Available Safe Egress Time (ASET); Required Safe Egress Time (RSET); smoke yield in well-ventilated and under-ventilated fully involved room fires; influence of smoke yield on egress time; fire test data used for carpet X; evaluation of fire and smoke spread for the selected scenarios