FireDOC Search

Gunther, K. P.
Es loscht auch (nur) mit Wasser, aber wie? MicroDrop, ein (fast) neues Loschverfahren. [Extinguishing (Just) With Water, But How?]
VFDB, Vol. 44, No. 3, 115-117, September 1995
water | extinguishment | fire extinguishing agents | dispersions
ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH In the last years environmental reasons have given the extinguishing agent water a new meaning. Environmental reasons have also given water a bad reputation because of its high amount of waste water. The technique of dispersing water offers the advantage of a chemical neutral extinguishing agent with a minimum of waste water. It can bring the extinguishing agent water new ranges for use. After a review into history the demonstration of a dispersing method is described and the possibilities of use mentioned.