- Author
- Yang, K. H. | Su, C. H. | Jong, J. M. | Tsuei, B. Y. | Su, T. B. | Tsai, C. D.
- Title
- Comparative Study of Longitudinal Ventilation System of Vehicle Tunnels Under Emergency Operation Modes.
- Coporate
- National Sun Yat-Sen Univ., Taiwan, R.O.C. China Engineering Consultants, Inc., Taiwan, R.O.C.
- Book or Conf
- University of Dundee and Independent Technical Conferences Ltd. Safety in Road and Rail Tunnels. International Conference, 2nd (Second). Proceedings. April 3-6, 1995, Granada, Spain, Vardy, A. E., Editors, 269-277 p., 1995
- Keywords
- tunnels | safety | ventilation systems | emergencies | smoke control | exhaust systems | computer simulation | design applications
- Identifiers
- TransSouth Highway (12.5 km long) vehicle tunnel - analyze its ventilation emergency operation modes; CECI T-1 runs for TransSouth Tunnel; Bi-directional traffic in a single tube; uni-directional traffic in two tubes