FireDOC Search

Simard, A. J.
Reference Manual and Summary of Test Fire, Fuel Moisture and Weather Observations Made by Forest Fire Researchers Between 1931 and 1961.
Forest Fire Research Inst., Ontario, Canada
Information Report FF-X-25, August 1970, 116 p.
forest fires | test fires | fuel moisture | weather effects | fire statistics | manuals | fire behavior
Between 1931 and 1961 Canadian forest fire researchers gathered a vast quantity of data on weather, fuel moisture and test fire behavior. The original purpose of the data was primarily for the development of forest fire danger tables. The data was gathered at 11 field stations across Canada. Each station had several sites which were considered representative of the major timber types in the area. Some stations were kept active for several years, while others operated for only one or two seasons. This manual is in five sections. The first section describes the reference data (site, date, etc.), which is generally the same for all tapes. Then the weather, fuel moisture and test fire behavior data are each discussed separately. The last section presents the author's views conerning potential uses for the data and the future work which sould be carried out to improve the continuity and quality of the files. There are also three appendices containing inventories of the data.