- Author
- Brannigan, V. M. | Spivak, S. M.
- Title
- ISO Quality Standards for Participants in Performance-Based Regulation.
- Coporate
- Maryland Univ., College Park
- Report
- ASTM STP 1377; ASTM Stock Number: STP 1377,
- Book or Conf
- ASTM's Role in Performance-Based Fire Codes and Standards. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). Proceedings. ASTM STP 1377. December 8, 1998, American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor, Nashville, TN, Hall, J. R., Jr., Editors, 14-22 p., 1999
- Keywords
- performance based codes | standards | regulations | safety | insurance
- Identifiers
- performance based regulation; code enforcement; ISO 9000; ISO 14000; third party regulation; registars; voluntary standards organziation; caveats; Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)