- Author
- Ra, Y. | Reitz, R. D.
- Title
- Reduced Chemical Kinetic Model for IC Engine Combustion Simulations With Primary Reference Fuels.
- Coporate
- Wisconsin-Madison Univ., Madison,
- Journal
- Combustion and Flame, Vol. 155, No. 4, 713-738, December 2008
- Keywords
- reaction kinetics | combustion | simulation | fuels | autoignition | reduced mechanisms | internal combustion engines | computational fluid dynamics | spark ignition\ | heptane | methodology | reaction rate | ignition delay | sensitivity analysis | temperature | experiments | oxidation | validation
- Identifiers
- Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI); primary reference fuel; spray combustion; mechanism reduction methodology; n-Heptane mechanism formulation; reaction classes modeled for low temperature oxidation of n-heptane and iso-octane; iso-octane mechanism formulation; optimization of reaction rate constants; variations of reaction rate constants for ignition delay sensitivity analysis; sensitivity of ignition delay curves of n-heptane oxidation; sensitivity of ignition delay curves of iso-octane oxidation; species and reactions in the present primary reference fuel oxidation mechanism; rate constants for three-step alkyl ketohydroperoxide formation; engine operating conditions; validation with shock tube experiments; validation of mechanism with engine experiments