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Simiu, E. | Frey, M. R.
Noise Modeling and Reliability of Behavior Prediction for Multi-Stable Hydroelastic Systems.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
Book No. H00743,
Book or Conf
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 11th International Conference. Book No. H00753. 1992, Am. Soc. of Mechanical Engieners, New York, NY, Soares, C. G.; Murotsu, Y.; Pittaluga, A.; Spencer, J.S.; Stahl, B., Editors, 39-44 p., 1992
noise (sound) | experiments | equations
This paper reviews results of experiments conducted on a simple multi-stable hydroelastic (galloping) oscillator. These results show that noise may cause a multi-stable hydroelastic system to exhibit chaotic behavior, and that in some instances such behavior canot be predicted reliably unless noise effects are carefully accounted for. We then present results of a theoretical investigation of a simple, paradigmatic multi-stable system, the Duffing-Holmes oscillator. The results of this investigation show that for the system being considered noise promotes the occurrence of chaotic behavior associated with Smale horseshoes. This theoretical investigation is the first phase of an effort to develop analytical tools for predicting reliably the potential for chaotic behavior of actual hydroelastic systems such as deep-water compliant platforms.