- Author
- Williams, F. W. | Nguyen, X. | Buchanan, J. | Farley, J. P. | Scheffey, J. L. | Wong, J. T. | Pham, H. V. | Toomey, T. A.
- Title
- ex-USS SHADWELL (LSD-15): The Navy's Full-Scale Damage Control RDT&E Test Facility. Interim Report 2000.
- Coporate
- Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC Geo-Centers, Inc., Lanham, MD Hughes Associates, Inc., Columbia, MD
- Sponsor
- Office of Naval Research, Arlington, VA
- Report
- NRL/MR/6180-01-8576, August 24, 2001, 35 p.
- Distribution
- AVAILABLE FROM National Technical Information Service (NTIS), Technology Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161. Telephone: 1-800-553-6847 or 703-605-6000; Fax: 703-605-6900; Rush Service (Telephone Orders Only) 800-553-6847; Website: http://www.ntis.gov
- Keywords
- ships | shipboard fires | damage control | test facilities | fire fighting | flooding | submarines | halon alternatives
- Identifiers
- Passive Fire Program (PFP); Damage Control-Automation for Reduced Manning (DC-ARM); Advanced Damage Countermeasures (ADC)
- Abstract
- This report reviews the capabilities of the Navy's full-scale damage control RDT&E platform, ex-USS SHADWELL (LSD-15). The ex-USS SHADWELL serves as the ultimate test platform in the development of fire fighting agents, DC systems, predictive models and technology stemming from basid and theoretical concepts developed through naval research. As a complete Navy platform, it enables consolidation of research developments from laboratories, system comands, industry and the fleet to assess technology and DC doctrine in a realistic shipboard damage enviornment. Thus, the ex-USS SHADWELL provides a very versatile and realistic test bed for finalizing the fruits of research and development that are on their way to the fleet.