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Fallon, K. K. | Palmer, M. E.
General Buildings Information Handover Guide: Principles, Methodology and Case Studies.
Kristine Fallon Associates, Inc. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
NISTIR 7417, August 2007, 99 p.
information dissemination | methodology | case histories | information technology | building information | classifications | planning | decision making | management systems | management information systems | management engineering | product development | specifications | standards
general buildings industry background; key concepts and terms; case studies of information handover; planning, executing and managing information handovers; business case for the use of interoperable building information models; industry roadmaps for implementing change; classification, metadata and dictionaires; information handover requirements; roject information handover plan; implementation of the project information handover
The 2004 Construction Users Roundtable (CURT) report, Collaboration, Integrated Information and the Project Life Cycle in Building Design, Construction and Operation (WP-1202), makes clear that there is a compelling need to improve project delivery. "Building owners, particularly those represented within CURT, regularly experience project schedule and cost overruns." The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) study Cost Analysis of Inadequate Interoperability in the U.S. Capital Facilities Industry (NIST GCR 04-867) makes clear that all stakeholders in the capital facilities industry - designers, contractors, product suppliers and owners - are wasting a huge amount of money looking for, validating and/or recreating facility information that should be readily available. For example, the study estimated that operations and maintenance personnel spent US $4.8 billion during 2002, verifying that documentation accurately represented existing conditions, and another US $613 million transferring that information into a useful format.These are two major business drivers that are leading the general buildings industry to adopt a more advanced technological approach to designing, documenting and constructing capital facilities. It is clear from the case studies assembled for this guide and from the input of the General Buildings Advisory Panel that these advanced technologies are yielding the desired results. So far, major successes have been recorded using highly accurate and complete 3D building models for interference checking and linking to construction schedules. These successes can be attributed to the relative maturity of 3D modeling and viewing technology as well as the availability of tools for accurately translating geometry between proprietary formats and for merging 3D models created in multiple formats in an integration environment. Some progress has also been made in the area of intelligent building modeling, which captures the properties of building components as well as their geometry, permitting direct, machineinterpretable input to other applications, such as analysis programs. A major success in this regard has been the American Institute of Steel Construction's (AISC) CIMSteel Integration Standards/Version 2 (CIS/2) initiative, which has proven to enhance the quality and speed of information flow throughout the steel supply chain.