- Author
- Quinn, G. W.
- Title
- Clothing Factories Production Stages and Fire Hazards. Part 2b. Cutting Room.
- Coporate
- Guardian Royal Exchange, England
- Journal
- Fire Surveyor, Vol. 15, No. 1, 31-38, February 1986
- Keywords
- industrial plants
- Abstract
- This is the third in a series of articles. It covers the operations and routines which take place in the Cutting Room and outlines the fire hazards which may be present. The first part of the article published in December 1984 covered the evolution and identification of Clothing Factories, Part 2a (published in August 1985) covered the production stages and fire hazards associated with Raw Material Stockroom or Warehouse and the Pattern and Design Rooms. Two further parts will cover other production stages and the final part will deal with underwriting features.