FireDOC Search

Prager, F. H. | Wood, J. F.
Full Scale Investigation of the Fire Performance of Upholstered Furniture. Part 1. Two-Chair Burn (RAPRA-4). Part 2. Full Scale Fire Tests of Furnished Room in Two-Storey Test House. Final Report.
Bayer AG, West Germany Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
PRC-RP-75-1-13, March 1979, 88 p.
upholstered furniture | chairs | fire tests | room fires
The investigational program fell into two parts. In the first (RAPRA-4), a two-chair array was burned in a room-and-corridor facility to determine the rate of spread of fire initiated on the seat of one chair, across that chair to the second chair and in turn across the second chair. Secondly (Moreton-2), a suite of upholstered furniture (two chairs and one settee) together with ancilliary wooden furniture were burned in a test house so constructed that the products of combustion were directed from the fire-room, up a stair well and through a second room out to the open air. The overall objective of this work was the characterisation of the burning behavior of furniture upholstered with flexible polyurethane foam covered with a range of outer fabric/interlayer combinations in order (a) to identify those combinations that would merit wider study for practical application (b) to identify those combinations where use of a interlayer resulted in little improvement in burning behavior and posibility induced adverse effects.