FireDOC Search

Nii, D. | Nitta, K. | Harada, K. | Yamaguchi, J.
Air Entrainment Into Mechanical Smoke Vent on Ceiling.
Kyoto Univ., Japan Obayashi Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
Book or Conf
Fire Safety Science. Proceedings. Seventh (7th) International Symposium. International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS). June 16-21, 2003, Intl. Assoc. for Fire Safety Science, Boston, MA, Worcester, MA, Evans, D. D., Editors, 729-740 p., 2003
fire research | smoke control | air entrainment | ceilings | experiments | smoke vents | smoke layers | equations
mechanical smoke venting; cricital smoke layer thickness; aspect ratio; Froude number; critical conditon for the onset of entrainment; critical smoke layer thickness for the onset of entrainment