FireDOC Search

Sekizawa, A. | Jin, T.
Study on Fire Risk Analysis Method of Multi-Use Buildings.
Fire Research Inst., Tokyo, Japan
NBSIR 85-3118,
Available from National Technical Information Service
Book or Conf
National Bureau of Standards. 7th Joint Panel Meeting of the UJNR Panel on Fire Research and Safety. October 24-28, 1983, Gaithersburg, MD, 53-78 p., 1985
high rise buildings | fire hazards
Recently in Japan, the multi-use buildings have been increased as the buildings are getting higher and/or larger. In these multi-use buildings, there are some problems concerning fire safety, i.e., the existence of plural subjects for building fire safety management and the difference on the planning or the structure between different kinds of occupancies. Against this circumstance, Fire Defence Agency (FDA), Ministry of Home Affairs has started the study of "Fire Risk Analysis Method of Multi-use Buildings". The purpose of this project is to prepare the assessment manual for fire service which makes it easy for firemen to diagnose the fire risk of multi-use buildings as well as to advise the building managers or owners the adequate methods to improve fire safety. This paper gives an outline of the FDA project which started in 1982 and will continue till 1986.