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Construction Industry Institute
Guidelines for an Implementation Program.
Construction Industry Institute, Austin, TX
Special CII Publication, September 1989, 16 p.
Webster defines implementation as the "carrying out or accomplishment" of something, especially "to give practical effect to and ensure of actual fulfillment by concrete measures". In order for any implementation to be effective there must be an effective management of change. Change is not easy in any organization nor is it comfortable. Often change causes major innovations and disruptions in the established procedures or norms. Implementation, then - the "carrying out" of change - must therefore be both practical and measurable. By utilizing the guidelines in this pamphlet, a member company can be assisted in its implementation efforts with minimal disruptions in productivity and time and can produce measurable results in a reasonable timeframe. By stimulating the thinking of management personnel and assisting them in thinking through their particular needs, effective implementation can occur. A company which is serious about implementation must successfully manage the changes needed within the organization and their results. These changes relate to the capability of one's people, the effectiveness of the company's systems, and the effectiveness of the leadership of its projects. Innovators and innovations must be welcomed by senior management and reqarded for their risk taking - not on their level of success. Implementaion is the key to a company's progress in the future - a commitment to implementation is the beginning of a successful future.