FireDOC Search

Hirschler, M. M.
Fire Hazard Associated With Decorative Lights.
GBH International, Mill Valley, CA
Book or Conf
Fire Risk and Hazard Assessment Research Application Symposium. Research and Practice: Bridging the Gap. Proceedings. Fire Protection Research Foundation. July 24-26, 2002, Baltimore, MD, 282-305 p., 2002
fire risk | fire hazards assessment | fire suppression | fire detection | fire research | fire safety | fire protection | lighting equipment | fire tests | cone calorimeters | heat flux | flashover | furniture | living rooms | temperature | UL 588
dimensions of house where fire occurred; flashover calculations in living room (Thomas equation); rates of heat release assigned to furniture in living room (kW); FPETOOL upper layer temperature; properties of decorative light products and UL 588; requirements for decorative lights in UL 588 and Draft UL 2388; rope light temperatures measured in the laboratory