- Author
- Shen, T. S.
- Title
- Building Egress Analysis.
- Coporate
- Central Police Univ., Ta-Kang Chun Kuei-San Taoyuan, Taiwan
- Journal
- Journal of Fire Sciences, Vol. 24, No. 1, 7-25, January 2006
- Keywords
- egress | evacuation | emergencies | simulation | architecture | building design | people movement | construction | equations | experiments | compartments | evaluation | equations
- Identifiers
- architecture plans for egress systems; circulation; architectural layout comparisons; traditional egress analyses: code approach; dynamic egress analyses; Evacuation Simulation Model (ESM); experiments and simulation results; evaluation results of circular corridor for the second floor; evaluation results of the example building (tenable duration and pre-movement time); initial occupants and clearing time in different compartments of the example building