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Construction Industry Institute
Employee-Based Project Incentives.
Construction Industry Institute, Austin, TX
Research Summary 140-1, June 1999, 18 p.
For more information contact: Construction Industry, Institute, University of Texas at Austin, 3208 Red River Street, Suite 300, Austin, TX 78705. Telephone: 512-232-3000, Fax: 512-499-8108, Email: Website:
The purpose of this research was to develop guidelines and a process model for selecting and implementing appropriate employee incentives based on project type and objectives. Since project-specific employee incentives used at various stages of a project may have an impact on performance during later project phases, the entire project life cycle was included in the research. incentives investigated were limited to those associated with project-specific objectives. The model developed by the research team, which is based on quantitative and qualitative analyses of industry experiences, includes tools to support the development and implementation of incentive programs for project-specific objectives. The model is depicted in the appendix to this research summary. It is described in detail in Employee-Based Project Incentives Toolkit (CII Implementation Resource 140-2), which is available from CII. The research team investigated many different segments of the engineering and construction industry by soliciting input from CII member companies. Ultimately, the research team identified more than 50 different projects and assigned team members to investigate and to determine if project content warranted face-to-face interviews. Based on that investigation, 20 different case studies were selected as having sufficient information to warrant further analysis. Additionally, 972 individuals were surveyed to determine worker attitudes to project-specific employee incentives.