- Author
- Chaplin, D. | Brown, S. C.
- Title
- Flamtard: A New Range of Flame and Smoke Retardants.
- Coporate
- Alcan Chemicals Ltd., England
- Book or Conf
- Plastics and Rubber Institute AND British Plastics Federation. Flame Retardants 1990. International Conference, 4th. January 17-18, 1990, London, England, Elsevier Applied Science, New York, 114-125 pp, 1990 AND Fire Retardant Chemicals Association. International Conference on Fire Safety--Fire Retardant Technology and Marketing. March 25-28, 1990, New Orleans, LA, 75-86 pp, 1990, 1990
- Keywords
- flame retardants | smoke retardants | antimony trioxide | polyvinyl chloride | oxygen index | smoke | carbon monoxide | emissions
- Identifiers
- Flamtard H; Flamtard S; smoke evolution