- Author
- Kady, R. A. | Gwynne, S. | Davis, J.
- Title
- Review of the Sources of Occupant Performance Data Used in Building Evacuation Models.
- Coporate
- Old Dominion Univ., Norfolk, VA Hughes Associates, Inc., Bolder, CO Auburn Univ., AL
- Book or Conf
- Human Behavior in Fire. International Symposium, 4th. Proceedings. July 13-15, 2009, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, Cambridge, UK, 471-480 p., 2009
- Keywords
- human behavior | evacuation | occupants | occupant response | people movement | smoke | egress | fire tests | stairways | escape means | fire models
- Identifiers
- occupant performance data; movement speed; reviewed evacuation models that specify occupant movement sources; unimpeded and adjustable speeds (speed vs. density); empirical and constant speeds; speeds in smoke conditions; hydraulic flow speeds; fire tests and incident reports; human behavior and performance characteristics in evacuation; default values of movement input data to building evacuation models and their sources; movement/condition type