- Author
- Zhang, Q. | Thomson, M. J. | Guo, H. | Liu, F. | Smallwood, G. J.
- Title
- Numerical Study of Soot Aggregate Formation in a Laminar Coflow Diffusion Flame.
- Coporate
- Toronto Univ., 5 King's College Road, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3G8, Canada
- Journal
- Combustion and Flame, Vol. 156, No. 3, 697-705, March 2009
- Keywords
- laminar flames | diffusion flames | soot | aggregates | reaction kinetics | soot formation | methodology | aerosols | equations | validation | mole fraction | acetylene
- Identifiers
- soot aggregate formation; soot coagulation efficiency; soot coalescence; sectional aerosol dynamics model; flame condition and modeling techniques; sectional aerosol dynamics model and the pyrene-based soot model; coagulation efficiency of soot aggregates; primary particle diameter; number density; aggregate number density; radial profiles of axial velocity; radial profiles of OH mole fraction; radial profiles of acetylene mole fraction; soot volume fraction; soot aggregate nanostructure