FireDOC Search

Waszeciak, P. H.
Large Scale Experimental Evaluation of Release Rate Model for Predicting Fire Hazard Development in Compartments Containing Cellular Plastics. Final Report.
Upjohn Co., North Haven, CT
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
PRC-RP-76-U-4 (contract), 1976, 163 p.
cellular plastics | compartments | fire hazards | computer models | fire behavior | experimental design
The development of a computer model to predict the fire behavior of different systems is a most desirable objective. In 1976 the PRC granted a research contract (RP-76-U-4) to the Upjohn Company to evaluate one such model. The model chosen had been developed at Ohio State University by Professor Edwin Smith. the contract was completed and the final report indicated a reasonable ability of the model to predict fire progression within the limits of the chosen experimental design. A summary of this report was presented to PRC on 2/24/78 at Tuscon. The report consisted of two parts: Part 1 presented the Summary, Discussion, Conclusion, and Experimental Design; Part 2 was three volumes of experimental data on 22 room fires. During the course of the evaluation, data had been collected on the gaseous products of combustion evolved during the fires. Since this data had been generated during fires which could be considered as "full scale" and simulating in an elementary way normally experienced conditions, it seemed an opportunity to evaluate the relative hazard of these materials/configurations form experiments which had been well instrumented.