- Author
- Georlette, P. | Gramse, Y. | Peled, M. | Simons, J. | Utevskii, L. | Fishler, T. | Shorr, L. M.
- Title
- Brominated Flame Retardant Monomers.
- Coporate
- Bromine Compounds Ltd., Beer Sheva, Israel IMI-Institute for Research and Development, Ltd., Haifa, Israel
- Book or Conf
- Fire Retardant Chemicals Association. International Conference on Fire Safety--Fire Retardant Technology and Marketing. March 25-28, 1990, Fire Retardant Chemicals Assoc., Lancaster, PA, New Orleans, LA, 43-51 p., 1990
- Keywords
- fire safety | flame retardants | monomers | copolymerization
- Identifiers
- actimer flame retardants; complementary building blocks; reactive processing; cross-linkable rubber compositions containing actimer flame retardants