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Brown, D. B.
Technimanagement: The Human Side of the Technical Organization.
University of Alabama, Birmingham
Book or Conf
Technimanagement: The Human Side of the Technical Organization. Prentice Hall International Series in Industrial and Systems Engineering, Prentics Hall PTR, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 414 p., 1995
human beings | management systems | decision making | entropy | communication networks
industrial management; industrial employees; organizational change; elements of control; theory of rewards; McGregor's theory X and theory Y; decision making and the principle of authority; mangement by exception; mngement by objectives; optimization, equifinality, and systems view; Parkinson's law; Peter Principle; paradigm problem; informal leadership and organizations; organizational entropy; group dynamics; total quality management; clinical approach; principles of functional conflict; resolution of personal conflicts; individual entropy and personal prower; negative feedback principle; leadership; limitations of experts; principles of communication; performing the transition