- Author
- Ricci, F. | Marcarelli, M.
- Title
- Out-of-Air Emergency: Using Technology to Survive.
- Coporate
- ConnectiCOSH, New Haven, CT New Haven Fire Dept., CT
- Journal
- Fire Engineering, Vol. 161, No. 5, 95-96,98-99,101,103-104, May 2008
- Keywords
- emergencies | respirators | survival | fire departments | technology utilization | injuries | death | fire fighters | fire fighting | training | self contained breathing apparatus | standards | rescue | rescue operations | fire fighting equipment | oxygen
- Identifiers
- Line-Of-Duty Death (LODD); Rapid Intervention Team (RIT); air-purifying respirator; filter canister, the Last Chance Rescue FilterSM; self-rescue or rapid intervention; universal air connection (UAC); follow your department's Mayday protocol; oxygen availability; standards and OSHA interpretations; overreliance; gas testing performance results