- Author
- Flanagan, G. F. | Cook, D. H. | Craddick, W. G. | Johnson, D. H. | Buttemer, D. | Perla, H. F.
- Title
- Risk and Safety Analysis in Support of the Opertion at the High Flux Isotope Reactor at Oak Ridge.
- Coporate
- Oak Ridge National Lab., TN Pickard, Lowe, and Garrick, Inc., Newport Beach, CA
- Sponsor
- Department of Energy, Washington, DC
- Report
- CONF-891027-4, 1989, 33 p.
- Distribution
- Available from National Technical Information Service
- Contract
- DE-AC05-840R21400
- Keywords
- nuclear reactors | risk analysis | isotopes | safety
- Identifiers
- neutron embrittlement of the reactor vessel; nuclear shutdown; core damage frequency; flow blockages and loss of all AC power; external events came from seismic, wind and fires; fracture mechanics analysis; loss-of-cooling accident studies