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Clifton, J. R.
Computerized Integrated Knowledge Base System for High-Performance Concrete: An Overview.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
Book or Conf
Challenges for Concrete in the Next Millennium, 13th FIP Congress Proceedings. Volume 1. May 23-29, 1998, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Stoelhorst, D.; denBoer, G. P. L., Editors, 127-128 p., 1998
concretes | databases | high performance concrete | knowledge | models | service life
The rapid growth of computer-based systems such as simulation models, databases, and artificial intelligence decision-support systems, coupled with developments in information technology, have facilitated the development of computer-integrated knowledge systems. These systems have the potential for representing virtually all scientific and engineering knowledge of concrete and making the knowledge readily available to those needing it. An integrated system is being developed for high-performance concrete.