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Ehlen, M. A. | Weber, S. F.
Estimating Economic Impacts of Government Technology Programs: Manufacturing Studies Using the REMI Model.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
NISTIR 6107, December 1997, 59 p.
Available from National Technical Information Service
manufacturing | economic simulation | federal tax analysis | macroeconomic analysis | technology impacts | forecasting
Government technology programs such as NIST's Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) work to keep the U.S. economy health and its firms globally competitive. Economic tools are needed for gauging the effectiveness of such programs. This report presents one such tool, a model for measuring the microeconomic, industrial, and macroeconomic impacts of government technology programs. This economic impact model is a three-step framework that traces the effects of government program activities on the macro economy. Step 1 calculates the government program's impact on individual firms. Step 2 translates the individual-firm impacts to industry-level impacts. Finally, Step 3 estimates macroeconomic impacts using the industry-level impacts and a macroeconomic simulation and forecasting model called REMI (Regional Economic Modeling, Inc.).