- Author
- Wyle Laboratories
- Title
- Ventilation Systems Standards Analysis Development Report.
- Coporate
- Wyle Laboratories, Huntsville, AL
- Sponsor
- Coast Guard, Washington, DC
- Report
- MSR 73-7, March 1973, 17 p.
- Distribution
- Available from National Technical Information Service Limited to U.S. Government Agencies ONLY
- Contract
- DOT-CG-12-377-A
- Keywords
- ventilation systems | standards
- Identifiers
- standards applicability; proposed federal standards elements; technical analysis; industry standards; compliance testing
- Abstract
- This report describes the background study made on Ventilation Systems. Included is a master list of Marine Standards Organizations that were used for this study. Statements in these standards are divided in categories as being testable, visual examination, non-testable, or administrative and subjective. Standards Applicability, Proposed Federal Standards Elements, Compliance Testing Considerations and Technical Analysis are included as appendices. Also included is a discussion on industry standards which were not included in the Proposed Federal Standards. Together with the Technical Analysis, this reveals the rationale for selection or rejection of the individual elements.