- Author
- Gupta, A. K. | Kumar, R. | Kumar, S.
- Title
- Compartment Fires: An Experimental Study.
- Coporate
- Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee, India Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India
- Journal
- Journal of Applied Fire Science, Vol. 11, No. 3, 255-277, 2002-2003
- Keywords
- compartment fires | fire behavior | fire growth | fire spread | enclosures | temperature distribution | flame height | fire models | flashover | heat flux | equations | burning rate | heat release rate | gas temperature | time | experiments
- Identifiers
- CALFIRE model; layer temperature and incident heat flux for flashover; flame height correlations; fuel burning rate; hot layer temperature; outgoing gas temperatures; variation of heat release rate with time; variation of hot layer temperature with time; variation of outgoing gas temperature with time; variation of flame height with time