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Palmer, M. E. | Halford, J. D.
PIEBASE Roadmap to Achieve Industry Vision for Information Exchange and Sharing.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, DE
Book or Conf
PIEBASE (Process Industry Executive for achieving Business Advantage using Standards for data Exchange) Working Group 5 With Contributions From America, Europe and Japan. Proceedings. Version 1.0. Issued October 1, 1997, 1-21 p., 1997
data exchange | data sharing | engineering information | information technology | PIEBASE | process industry | STEP
PIEBASE (Process Industry Executive for achieving Business Advantage using Standards for data Exchange); Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data (STEP)
The PIEBASE vision is: "Companies in the process industries shall be able to share and/or exchange electronically the information needed to design, build, operate and maintain process and power plants using internationally accepted standards. By the year 2000, this vision will be achieved for a high impact subset of this information." The process industries include chemicals, petroleum, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals/fine chemicals, power, and engineering support for these industries. This document describes the PIEBASE Roadmap for achieving defined milestones of industry data exchange capabilities. Current projects with goals of data exchange and of data sharing are addressed. The Roadmap also describes the paths to success for several projects which have been discussed but not yet started.