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Rural Fire Protection in America
Fire Protection in Rural America: A Challenge for the Future. A Report to the Congress of the United States and Other Policy Makers With Recommendations for Improving the Protection of Rural America From the Ravages of Uncontrolled Wildfires.
Rural Fire Protection in America
National Association of State Foresters, Washington, DC
fire protection | rural fires | wildland fires | forest fires | fire alarm systems | fire departments | case histories
Rural Fire Protection in America (RFPIA) Steering Committee; mutual aid; Fountain Fire, California, August 20, 1992; Rural Florida Fire, 1985; West Virginia Wildfires, October 26-November 10, 1991; Minnesota Incident Command System (MNICS): A Minnesota Success Story; Northeast Forest Fire Protection Commission: A Regional and International Success Story; Maryland's East Shore: A Six-County Cooperative Fire Organization
Providing fire protection to rural America has become increasingly more challenging. As more people build homes in rural areas, cities annex wildland, and industry takes over what was once agricultural land, rural fires become more dangerous and more costly. Marshalling the resources to deal with the challenge in a socially acceptable manner is taxing the ingenuity and capability of governments and organizations providing fire protection and other emergency services. To help respond to the challenge, the National Association of State Foresters has joined the National Fire Protection Association, U.S. Fire Administration, National Volunteer Fire Council, Congressional Fire Services Institute, USDA Forest Service, National Wildfire Coordinating Group, and National Emergency Management Association to charter thr Rural Fire Protection in America (RFPIA) Steering Committee. The charge for RFPIA was to identify ways in which existing resources could be used more effectively and also to identify gaps where additional resources - Federal, State, or local - may be needed.