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Vandervort, R.
Safety Information Profile: Liquid Transfer Operations - Petroleum Products.
National Inst. for Occupation Safety and Health, Morgantown, WV
Available from National Technical Information Service
accident statistics | petroleum products
A Safety information profile is presented for the liquid petroleum products transfer industry. Several different Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes included in these operations are listed, and a table of employment information in those industries is provided. The liquid petroleum transfer process is described. Safety hazards, primarily fire and explosion, are reviewed along with health and biological hazards. Existing controls for handling flammable and combustible products are discussed. Accident and illness statistics are presented and tabulated data are included for several specific SIC codes. The availability of related studies is mentioned. Industry trends of growth and regulation are described, and current federal safety standards are outlined. A listing of names and addresses of industry associations and other interested parties is provided. It is noted that a tightening of environmental and safety regulations is occurring in this industry. Data are inadequate to determine the causes of accident and illness, thus, no specific safety recommendations are made but further study is suggested.