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Peavy, B. A.
Documentation of Program for Determination of Conduction Transfer Functions.
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
NBSIR 81-2353, November 1981,
Available from National Technical Information Service
buildings; heat transfer; conduction; thermal radiation; transfer functions; time dependence; heat flux; mathematical models; computer programs
pc computer program; abc computer program; roots computer program
Conduction transfer functions are used to predict the time-dependent one-dimensional conduction heat transfer at surfaces of single- or multi-layer building constructions based on heat flux and temperature history at each surface. By the use of conduction transfer functions, heat transfer problems employing nonlinear boundary conditions such as thermal radiation and time-dependent changes in the surface film resistances can be solved. Because conduction transfer functions are analytically derived with an initial time condition of zero temperature potential throughout the solid materials, it becomes necessary to initialize the computation by including exposure to a number of outdoor weather cycles such that satisfactory initial conditions of temperature and heat flux exist at the inside and outside surfaces. The program is set up for the use of 1-, 2-, or 3-hour time intervals, depending on the thickness of the building construction. The program allows for the combination of two building constructions, e.g., the parallel heat flow paths found in wood-frame walls.