FireDOC Search

Lignell, D. O. | Chen, J. H. | Smith, P. J. | Lu, T. | Law, C. K.
Effect of Flame Structure on Soot Formation and Transport in Turbulent Nonpremixed Flames Using Direct Numerical Simulation.
Utah Univ., Salt Lake City Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA Princeton Univ., NJ
Combustion and Flame, Vol. 150, No. 1/2, 2-28, October 2007
flame structure | soot formation | turbulent flames | nonpremixed flames | turbulent combustion | ethylene | soot | flame interaction | diffusion flames | gas chemistry | ignition delay | equations | simulation | statistics | mixture fraction | flame velocity | soot transport
Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS); nonpremixed flames; simulation parameters and timescales; DNS and soot modeling approach; global statistics; flame displacement velocity; flame normals; soot-flame breakthrough; normal statistics; temporal evolution of total soot and radiation