- Author
- Babrauskas, V. | Harris, R. H., Jr. | Gann, R. G. | Levin, B. C. | Lee, B. T. | Peacock, R. D. | Paabo, M. | Twilley, W. | Yoklavich, M. F. | Clark, H. M.
- Title
- Fire Hazard Comparison of Fire-Retarded and Non-Fire-Retarded Products.
- Coporate
- National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
- Sponsor
- Fire Retardant Chemicals Assoc., Lancaster, PA
- Report
- NBS SP 749, July 1988, 92 p.
- Distribution
- AVAILABLE FROM National Technical Information Service (NTIS), Technology Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161. Telephone: 1-800-553-6847 or 703-605-6000; Fax: 703-605-6900; Rush Service (Telephone Orders Only) 800-553-6847; Website: http://www.ntis.gov
- Keywords
- flame retardants | cone calorimeters | furniture calorimeters | chromatography | plastics | heat release rate | compartment fires | fire tests | smoke production
- Identifiers
- fire gas toxicity
- Abstract
- A test program was conducted for the Fire Retardant Chemicals Association to quantify the effects of fire retardant chemicals on total fire hazard. Five different types of products, each made from a different type of plastic were used. The products were made up in analogous fire-retardant (FR) and non-retarded variants (NFR).