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Raufaste, N. J., Jr.
Building Technology Project Summaries 1987.
National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
NBSIR 87-3565, May 1987,
Available from National Technical Information Service
concretes; construction materials; technology; projects; buildings; roofing | seismic design
building technology; earthquake engineering; seismic design; computer aided design
The Center for Building Technology (CBT) of the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) is the national building research laboratory. It works cooperatively with other organizations, private and public, to improve building practices. It conducts laboratory, field, and analytical research. It develops technologies to predict, measure, and test the performance of building materials, components, systems, and practices. The knowledge is required for responsible and cost-effective decisions in the building process and cannot be obtained through proprietary research and development. CBT provides technologies needed by the building community to achieve the benefits of advanced computation and automation. CBT does not promulgate building standards or regulations, but its technologies are widely used in the building industry and adopted by governmental and private organizations that have standards and codes responsibilities. The report summarizes the projects underway in the Center during 1987.