FireDOC Search

International Atomic Energy Agency
Fire Hazard Analysis for WWER Nuclear Power Plants. Report of the IAEA Extrabudgetary Program on the Safety of WWER Nuclear Power Plants.
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria
IAEA-TECDOC-778, 1993, 39 p.
nuclear power plants | hazard analysis | fire hazard | safety standards | methodology | design applications | safety | computer codes
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); COMPBRN IIIE; HAZARD I; VESTA-Plus; MAGIC; description of a simplified hazard evaluation method; application of five to soviet designed reactors; computer code analysis
The objective of this document is to summarize the current status of methods for fire hazard analysis and to present a simplified method and an assessment of its applicability to Soviet-designed reactors. The method presented in this report is used to identify fire related plant specific vulnerabilities to severe accidents, and it provides a useful tool for ranking various plant fires according to their significance, as well as a technical basis for prioritizing the implementation of plant improvements. A fire hazard analysis includes the following elements: (a) Consideration of the potential fixed and transient fire hazards; (b) Determination of the effect of fire in any location in the plant on the ability to safely shut down the reactor or to minimize and control radioactive releases to the environment; (c) Specification of measures for fire prevention, fire detection, fire suppression, fire containment and alternative shutdown capability, as required for each fire cell or compartment. The determination of the effect, identified as (b) above, of fire on the ability to shut down the reactor requires the use of quantification techniques, both for quantifying the risk of core meltdown in the event of an internal fire, and the consequences of spread of fire in any plant location by means of fire spread mocelling techniques.